Get Involved


Together we can tell every person their basic needs matter, PERIOD.


You can organize your own Period Promise collection in your community or workplace. Ask your co-workers, neighbours, family or friends to buy an extra box during their regular shopping trips!

Please contact Ashleigh Doyle at to arrange the drop-off of your collection. 

Access graphics and shareables in our online Tool Kit.


By making period products available, for free, in public washrooms throughout our communities – just like toilet paper – any organization can be part of the solution. If you’re a local business owner, union or community leader, we invite you to join the growing list of Champions through the Period Promise Policy Agreement. LEARN MORE HERE 


The easiest way to make an immediate impact is to donate. Through strong partnerships and volume discounts, United Way can purchase and distribute more period products to community service partners than a single buyer can.

United Way purchases product at an average cost of $3.55 per person, per month compared to approximately $10.98 that someone would need to purchase themselves. Simply put, we can support more people with a financial gift.